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Lauren Worsham
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1. I've Decided to Marry You
Lauren Worsham, Lisa O'Hare & Bryce Pinkham
2. That Horrible Woman
Lisa O'Hare, Lauren Worsham, Price Waldman, Eddie Korbich & Jeff Kready
3. Inside Out
Lauren Worsham & Bryce Pinkham
4. Impossible to Hide
Mikael Karlsson, Royce Vavrek, Lauren Worsham, Ben Davis, Christopher Fitzgerald & Guillaume Côté
5. "I'm Starvin'! Is There Anything to Eat Around Here?" (Live)
Emily Padgett, Lauren Worsham, Ryan Andes & Jill Abramovitz
6. "So, How's Life at the Board?" (Live)
Brian Charles Rooney & Lauren Worsham
7. Tighten My Grip on You (Live)
Lauren Worsham
8. I Want to Die (Live)
Lauren Worsham, Tonya & Nancy Ensemble
9. "You Had to Do It, Didn't You?" (Live)
Lauren Worsham, Jill Abramovitz & Oyoyo Joi
10. You Wish (Live)
Ashley Spencer & Lauren Worsham
11. You're Never a Shoo-In (Live)
Oyoyo Joi, Lauren Worsham & Jill Abramovitz
12. "Max Beft. My Favorite Studio Engineer! He's Bailed Cocoa Out…" (Live)
Lauren Worsham, Lisa O'Hare, Ryan Andes & Brian Charles Rooney